26 August 2012

AT Workshops

While my primary position with Peace Corps is PCVL, I also spend a lot of my time working on my secondary project: Appropriate Technology. As logistics coordinator, I help coordinate the AT workshops as well as facilitate them. Here are some pictures of some of the workshops we've done so far. Enjoy!

Cutting an oil drum for a technology demo in Luapula Province

Participants uilding a fuel efficient stove in North Western Province

Participants making bug repellant lotions and soaps in Luapula Province

Getting my hands dirty with a maize cob charcoal demonstration in Luapula Province

Tony facilitating in Northern Province

A few of the participants at the Northern Province workshop

Some of the facilitators of the Northern workshop discussing logistics

Here's a brain buster: You must create a device using ONLY 2 pieces of paper, to stack as many maize cobs (with the maize) off the ground at least ten cm high. No tape, no scissors, only your brain and two peices of paper. We call it the "Maize Raise" and challenge our participants to start using their brains creatively.   

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