26 August 2012

AT in the village

Appropriate Technology was started by MIT and brought to Zambia in 2009. I had the opportunity to attend the first AT workshop in 2010 in Central Province and brought along one of my counterparts Ignatius. The 5 day workshop is aimed to create designers and innovators. During the 5 days, we learn about different technologies and try to modify those technologies so they can be re-created in the village, where resources and money are scarce. Ignatius and I brought back what we had learned at the workshop and hosted one of our own in Fimpulu. Below are some pictures of things we worked on
Community members building free line-levels, soemthing they always thought they have to buy in town

A hand maize sheller created by the oldest workshop attendee

Pressing our fuel from the fields: we made charcoal (which is too expensive for some to afford) from maize cobs. Here there are pressing it into small briquettes.

Our students and inventions!

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