26 August 2012

Makin' Cheese

 Milk is really cheap in Southern Province because the Tonga tribe traditionally own cattle. So what better to do with cheap milk than make cheese?! Plus, we buy our milk from the dairy coop so it's super fresh. So far we've done mozarella, paneer, and Gouda...although our first batch of gouda tasted more like parmesan--but in a country where good cheese is scarce, we'll take anything!
Curdling milk for some queso blanco (aka paneer)
Pressing our queso blanco the day before Cinco de Mayo

Queso Blanco

Stirring some milk

Water bath method

Putting the curds in cheese cloth to press it into....

GOUDA! yes please!

1 comment:

  1. CHEESE!! Yes please indeed! Looks delectable! Especially the gouda :). We are learning how to make mozzarella. We'll have to compare notes!!
